Bilatu blogean

2024(e)ko maiatzaren 21(a), asteartea


Tuesday 21st may

This term students fron Primary 1-2 have been working on a lapbook about Egypt. When the have finished, they have done a presentation of it, and some of them they have gone to the other classrooms to do the presentation.These are some of the lapbooks:

As you can see they have worked on information about Egyt:

General information, places to visit, famous pharaohs, gods and goddesses, sarchophagus...they have learnt a lot about Egypt.

They have also done a cartouche with their names writed on it and using hieroglyphics...

They have done a great job and they have been very brave!!!

Artem did the presentation in the 2-3-years-old classroom:

Badadi did it in the 4-5-years-old classroom:

Valeria did it in the primary 3-4 classroom:

Amets did it in Primary 5-6 classroom:

Congratulations to you all!! You have done a fantastic work!! Thank you!!


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