Bilatu blogean

2024(e)ko otsailaren 2(a), ostirala


 Friday 2nd february

The last days in Ikeaztegieta we are working in different things..On one hand, we finished with the scarecrew and we put it in the vegetable garden. We hope you will like it!! Here you are some pictures:

We are also creating a book-shelf-table to put the new books in. We have already ensemble the furniture and today we have been painting it in white, after deciding the best design between a lot of designs we made last day. Here you are some pictures:

Others were creating some attrezzo for a dramma we are preparing at school...

Another group of students are creating another shelf and today they have been ensembling the shelf and sanding it. 

As you can see...we are making many things!!!!πŸ˜πŸ˜‰πŸ˜ŠπŸ˜œ

iruzkinik ez:

Argitaratu iruzkina