Bilatu blogean

2023(e)ko abenduaren 26(a), asteartea


 Gaurko goiza ederra izan bada ere, tristura izan da eguerdian gure artean. Gure ikasle izan diren Dina eta Javi agurtu behar izan ditugu eta. 

Bidea eginez zoriontsu izan daitezela opa diegu Azcue Olaverria familiako kideei. Muxu handi bana!!



 Iritsi da Gabonetako oporrak hartzeko eguna!! Egun berezia izan da gaur gure eskolan. Egunero bezala, musika eta irribarre zabalarekin agurtu dugu elkar goizean eta 10:30ak arte gela guztietan mahai jolasetan aritzeko aukera izan dugu. Xakea, karta jolasak, "twister", "speed cups", "kode sekretua"... Ederki ibili gara jolas batetik bestera, poz-pozik. 

10:45ean urteroko zita izan dugu herriko alkatearekin. Alba etorri da eskolara eta saskiaren zozketa egin dugu.

Jolasgaraiaren ondoren, Got Talent saioa izan dugu. Beste behin, Ikaztegietarrek, Baliaindarrek eta Oreindarrek dituzten talentu ezberdinak zuzen-zuzenean ikusteko aukera izan dugu. Mundiala izan da!

Goiz ederra izan da gaurkoa!!


2023(e)ko abenduaren 21(a), osteguna

Winter time!!

Thursday 21st december

Here we are 4-5 years old students to tell you about our last work in English.

We have been working on the book: The cat sat on the mat and we have done a small booklet about it.

Then we have done some masks and we have learnt the story by heart. In the following pictures you can see some of them: 

Once we have learnt the text, we have gone to other classrooms to do the dramma. Here you are some 


To finish with, we have done a Winter Card. 

Happy Winter Holidays!! 😉😊😋

Welcome winter!!

 Thursday 21st december 

Students from primary 1-2 have done a lapbook about the space. Here you are some of them:

Then, they gave a presentation in the other classrooms: 

Today, in the last lesson of the year, we are creating a dwarf. We are using stockings, plastic bags, 
some rope, some fabrics..we hope you will enjoy it!!!!

Here we are waiting for the glue gun...

We have almost finished....

Now yessss!!! Here you are our dwarfs!!

Have a great holidays!!!!😋😀😏

2023(e)ko abenduaren 18(a), astelehena


 Monday 18th december

It´s time to make a handcraft. Winter is near and we have done a winter card. First, we check the material we need:

Then, we have to find our names to put it in the card...

After we glue our name to the card...

After this, we glue the parts of the penguin to the card...

Once we have got the penguin finished, we draw the eyes of the penguin with a black crayon...

Finally we decorate the winter cards with a white crayon: 

And now the best take it home!!! and show it to our parents!!!😊😖

Tipi tapa

 Thursday 14th december 

At ten o´clock we went for a walk with TIPI TAPA members. Suddenly it started raining and  we went to the fronton.

In the fronton we played  a game: pass the ball and run.

After this students from primary 5-6  prepared a game: Simon says. We all played the game.

To finish with here we are pretending to be fireworks...


After playing a lot, we worthed something to eat. Here we are in the OSTATU ready for the pintxo.

In this picture Dah, Maore, Habiba, Aratz and Melissa are listening to Maria Ángeles´s interesting stories. Maria Ángeles is a retired teacher from Argentina who lives in Ikaztegieta now.

We enjoyed ourselves very much!!! 


 Friday 15th december

Here we are again doing a lot of work...

First we want to show you our last creation which is already finished and very original:

It´s nice!! Isn´t it? 👹😉😈😊😋
We have also finished the kitchen for the youngest ones...they are very happy with the result!!

In this picture you can see one of the students working on jai-alai equipment: 

We have already finished the scarecrow´s you are Natalia....

We have also sanded some pieces for our next´s going to be a surprise!!!

Other students were droping a´s quite difficult but students have done a great job!!

Great job everyone!! You are artists!!!😏😀😘