Bilatu blogean

2022(e)ko abenduaren 22(a), osteguna

Learning about the world....

 Thursday 22nd december 2022

Hi everybody!!Here we are students from Primary 3 and 4 making our presentations about different countries of the world...

This presentation is about Italy... we have learnt a lot of things!! 

This one is about JAPAN. Look at our LAPBOOKS!! They have got interesting facts about this country...
The next two presentations are about JAPAN also... but a different type of LAPBOOK as you can see in the pictures...

Did you know that the population of  JAPAN is 125 million inhabitants?

Do you want to see more?? Here you are another presentation about U.S.A..

They have done a lot of work...they are proud of their presentation...😏😉

iruzkinik ez:

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