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2024(e)ko abenduaren 20(a), ostirala

The show of the insects!!

 Friday, December 20th

Yesterday students fron 5th and 6th grade performed different drammas at school, and in all of them, insects were protagonists. They created the texts, decorations, costumes...they are great artists and very good actors and actresses too! There were four different drammas that we enjoyed a lot. Now, we are waiting for the next ones!! ;)


Merry Christmas!!

 Friday, December 20th

Students from 1st and 2nd grade wish you a Merry Christmas and a Happy New Year!we have done some Christmas Cards in the English class. We hope you like them all!!

Felices fiestas!!

Viernes, 20 de diciembre

Llegan las vacaciones y con ellas mucho tiempo para hacer muchísimas cosas. Los alumn@s  de primer y segundo curso hemos estado hablando de lo que vamos a hacer en vacaciones; habrá tiempo para jugar con los amigos, para pasar mucho rato en familia, para ayudar un poco en casa, para hacer las cosas que nos gustan ...y como no, también tendremos nuestro tiempo de lectura. Desde aquí, os invitamos a todos a coger el libro que más os guste y disfrutéis de un buen rato de lectura. Para ello, en el cole hemos hecho unos marcapáginas que nos vendrán bien a todos...Así hay excusa...¡Todos a leer!


2024(e)ko abenduaren 17(a), asteartea

Reading time!

 Tuesday, December 17th

Last week students from 3rd and 4th grade had a productive reading time. They enjoyed themselves by telling each other stories, and reading in a very relaxing way. How important it is to read!!

Reading time

Let´s make a lantern!

 Tuesday, December 17th

Next week we are a going to have a reading time and students from 5th and 6th grade are going to decorate the school for the occasion. Some of the decorations will be some lanterns we have made in the classroom. To make a lantern we need:

-A glass jar

-Some rope


-Some papers

-A candle

With  patience and good relaxing music, here are the results!!


Let´s learn about plants and bugs!!

 Tuesday, December 17th

Recently students from 1st and 2nd grade have been very busy presenting all their works in the different classrooms. At the beginning of the school year we started creating a tale about plants, and we decided the the title of the tale would be: Minnie the seed. Through this tale, we have learnt a lot of things about the needs of the plants and the way they grow. Then, we went to the different classrooms to tell the story of MINNIE THE SEED. Here are some pictures


We have also worked on bugs. We have done a booklet on insects. We have learnt a lot of information about them. In the booklet you can learn about: spiders, beetles, dragonflies, caterpillars, butterflies, ants...if you have any questions about them, ask your sons and daughters!! ;)

Booklet on bugs

Let´s make a handcraft!!


Thursday, December 12th

Hello!! Last class day we made a handcraft in the classroom: a water colour painting. To make this handcraft we need:

 - Special paper

 - Water colours

 - A paintbrush

 - A glass of water

 - A glass

 - A napkin

 - A black pen

 All the paintings are very beautiful and amazing. Here are some of the paintings.We hope you like them all!!        


2024(e)ko abenduaren 9(a), astelehena


Pasa den astean baratzara joan ginen eta landaketak egin genituen. Barazki ezberdinak landatu genituen: tipulina, bi koloretako letxugak, baratxuriak, azak, eskarolak...

Oso ondo pasa genuen bertan. Gogotsu gaude gure landareak nola hazten diren ikusteko. 

Hemen dituzue gure argazkiak.
