Bilatu blogean

2024(e)ko urtarrilaren 15(a), astelehena


 January 12th

Here we are again creating great things..

In this picture the students measured the wood to make a "table-shelf"

Other students were smoothening  the differente pieces of wood.

Some students were cutting the wood...

Once they prepared the wood, some students started asambling the piece of furniture..

Here you are the designers, preparing a collection of samples to choose the best desing to paint the table-shelf:

This is the result: 

They did a lot of work and they also had time to play with Danel from time to time...

Now it´s time to tidy up everything and clean the classroom. Good job, boys!!

See you next time!!!


 January 11th 

We went for a walk to the fronton. In the fronton Peña was doing a pelota training. We took a picture with him. Watch the pictures:

Then we played the game: Pass the ball. Afer, we played a new game using some hula hoops and another game called: Choo choo train. Finally we pretended to be firewooks and we did it twice.

Then, we went to Loperdi house. In this picture you can see the students having some rest...

After the rest we had a snack. Some students ate a spanish omelette. Others, a pork sausage. And the smartest ones, ate both. 😏😉😊

As it was Habiba´s birhtday we sang the Happy Birhday song in Loperdi.
Finally we came back to school. We had fun!!!